ADRY is a czech brand of original child wear.
ADRY wear is for kids who love to be outside and do not like playing inside.
The brand was founded as a project of “mompreneur” Adriena, mother of two kids: Ladunka and Vašík, these two little sweetes have been neverending inspiration plus nature itself (we live in the beutiful Šumava National Park)
ADRY – proofed by Nature
Adriena Dryakova @ ADRY
All materials we use are made in Czech Republic or are suplied by czech supliers. Textiles we use comply with GOTS (Global oraganic textile standard) and czech laws (Nmb 84/2001 about hygienical rules and demands on children’s products and toys).
ADRY wear make skilful dressmakers from Jindřichův Hradec (Czech Republic).